Quad 57 stacked v Wilson watt puppy 6/7

Can anyone tell me how a pair of stacked quads with ribbon horn tweeters would compare with the wilson watt puppies and the yamaha ns1000??
The quads are the best speakers I have ever owned. My past speakers include
harbeth 30, audio physic avanti, avantgarde duo horns, reynaud offrandes.
i understand the Yamaha and the wilson watt puppies second hand are some of the greatest speakers of all time???
MrT, are these guys getting on your case?? I thought we had all this sorted out elsewhere :)
"I thought we had all this sorted out elsewhere".

One of the hallmarks of advanced age is increasing short term memory loss. It may be out there but I can't remember where I put it. What did you say again? :-)
Yep- whatever it is if you can't find it look behind the refrigerator.

Duh? No way - look IN the refrigerator - that is where the beer is kept! (A beer is better than finding mouse droppings behind the frige but that too, is of course, entirely subjective!)
my statements are subjective, based upon my perceptions. are perceptions factual or merely an opinion ?

if perceptions are facts, than i am basing my opinions upon facts. if perceptions are opinions than my statements are purely subjective.

what is a fact ? if statements are made based upon audition of components it becomes necessary to establish, if any facts cann accrue from listening experiences.

semantics aside, listen to stacked quads and then make up your mind about their timbral accuracy.

i stand by my statements regarding cone designs. i prefer panels to cones. i believe cones are more timbrally inaccurate than most panel designs.