Quad 57 stacked v Wilson watt puppy 6/7

Can anyone tell me how a pair of stacked quads with ribbon horn tweeters would compare with the wilson watt puppies and the yamaha ns1000??
The quads are the best speakers I have ever owned. My past speakers include
harbeth 30, audio physic avanti, avantgarde duo horns, reynaud offrandes.
i understand the Yamaha and the wilson watt puppies second hand are some of the greatest speakers of all time???
my statements are subjective, based upon my perceptions. are perceptions factual or merely an opinion ?

if perceptions are facts, than i am basing my opinions upon facts. if perceptions are opinions than my statements are purely subjective.

what is a fact ? if statements are made based upon audition of components it becomes necessary to establish, if any facts cann accrue from listening experiences.

semantics aside, listen to stacked quads and then make up your mind about their timbral accuracy.

i stand by my statements regarding cone designs. i prefer panels to cones. i believe cones are more timbrally inaccurate than most panel designs.
mrtennis, my sincere apologies of trying to pick your post apart in order to make a largely irrelevant point. as you so rightly intimated, the relations between perception and fact is at best something for philosophy not audio sites.... not that my opinion should really matter given my lack og audiophile experience, but my non-electrostatic panels (apogee mini grands) were the next best speakers to any i heard except the five minutes i spent in the mid-90s in baltimore with sound lab a-1s (though god knows i can't say that was based on my appreciation on differences with cones in terms of accuracy) and like i said before i would not be surprised if stacked quads sent me over the edge... i only own cones (single drivers) because i am poor, even though i do appreciate them.....when i bought the mini grands the dealer had some wilson maxx's in the same room and the wilsons had a bigger more dynamic sound but the humble apogees seemed to be more controlled and stable in terms of frequency response (especially ignoring the questioniable sub frequencies) and overall presentation, dynamics,and soundstage...anyway much respect for your preferences/insights, when it comes to communicating the experience of high end, i have little to offer
The question also depends on your wife/partner. I had unstacked 57's for 10 years. My wife said it was her or the speakers. It was a close call, but the speakers went. They are ugly devils, OK if you like 1950's styling, but who does? The 50's were probably the nadir of design in all human history. only my opinion, you understand