Amp for Mirage M1 Si's??

Picked up a pair of M1's and am wondering what might
be the best amp for around $500-$1000 or so.
They are very power hungry it seems. I have a 200 W/PC
integrated that by itself is on the warmer side of nuetral
and these M1's seem to still be a little under powered (83db)
and on the darker laid back side. What would give these
some sparkle & kick?
I like the overall potential of these to pursue the
right amp.
Room is 20x20x12

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

I had a pair of M3si many many moons ago and I drove them with an Adcom GFA-555 and then a Krell KSA100s with very excellent results.

These are very power hungry speakers so if I was looking for an amp now, I would investigate class D ... probably best ROI.
Gee this thread brings back memories. I had the original M1s, the first year it came out. The best I've ever heard them was with Atmasphere M1s tube amps, but way out of most peoples price range. I think you might have trouble getting the best out of them in your price range unless you are going to buy something used. I had them with Threshold SA3 50watt class A amps that did a great job on them. I think SA3s go for around $1500 used, but you might get lucky and get one near your price range in this economy. I think any good tube amp with at least 50 watts can drive them, but you really nead 100+ watts for them to shine. Oh yea, McIntosh's sound great on them, if you can find a used one in your price range.
Try a reputable 100W+ push pull tube amp. The midrange bloom is awesome. The combo can make a Les Paul played into a Marshall sound like the real thing.

Never known Mirages Ms to be too power hungry and volume has never been an issue for me (but maybe for the neighbors ).