Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signature Monitors?

Hi all!

Would any of you happen to own a pair of Tyler Linbrook Signature Monitors? How do you like them?

Have you owned them in the past and have moved on to something else? Why?

Do they excel in certain types of music? Which one(s)?

Interesting - I always wanted to hear Silverine though never had the chance. But the Bolero's are pretty big compared to just the Linnbrook monitors, and even price-wise I think you're talking about the larger linbrook. Do you have the original Bolero or newer model(s)? I think the monitor, taken alone, especially at his used prices is hard to beat. If you are talking about a larger linbrook, I've found them hard to place to get the best balance of bass and midrange, whereas the monitors alone are fantastic closer to the wall then you can get them with the bass modules.
I was talking about the larger Linbrook Signature System, one piece as opposed to two piece unit. My Bolero's were new in Sep 07. I have no doubt that the Linbrook monitors are all that you say they are. I thought you were talking about the larger Tylers and wishing for something less visually imposing etc.
I really liked my llnbrook monitors, but the supertowers are much better. A bit taller and more expensive than the monitors + stands, but they actually have a smaller footprint, and are easier to drive at 8ohms (vs 4 for the monitors).
Especially, if you already own a sub, or are considering adding one, the supertowers are worth considering as a "super monitor".

Good luck!
Newbee, I was just sticking to the monitors since that is what the poster asked for. But you are correct - I would like something for myself a bit smaller than the two piece system (which is even bigger than the one piece system). If and when I have the chance I wiill definitely check them out. Thanks for the tip.
I've owned the Linbook Signature Monitors for 3 years and they will be my reference speakers for thirty more. They have only one weakness as do all monitors, the 7" drivers do not push enough air in the lower octaves. Ty realized this and recently came out with some outstanding subwoofers to fill the void. Ty is a pleasure to do business with and the quality of his speakers is beyond reproach.