New Audio Research Reference 150 SE

I just heard from my AR dealer that a new Reference 150 SE that uses KT150s will start shipping out in early March. Did I miss this on another forum or is this new news? This might explain why they have not endorsed using the KT 150s in the current Reference lineup.
I now going to 50 + hours on the amp. Right now all cds sound as good as I ever heard in my system, very detailed and extended, bottom to top, incredible staging. How much better will it sound when I head past 100hrs? Time will tell. But, I am so very pleased with the present sonic presentation.
Herb ...

Glad you're enjoying the amp. You still have quite a ways to go on the break-in. I'm at a little over 100 hours now on the REF-75 SE ... and it continues to improve. I listened to the Tony Bennett/Bill Evans album last night ... and my gawd, they were in the room. The clarity on female and male voice is simply astounding.
Still early to post detailed comments. The sonic color of the amp is still morphing ... first dark and now bright. I only have about 25 to 30 hours on the amp.
I am now over 70 hours and sonically I am at the point where I can say that the resolving power, detail, staging, lower distortion level (which I usually describe as the lowering of veils between the listener and the musicians) is noticeably better than the amp was before the upgrade.
What additional levels will I hear when the amp approaches 150-200 hours the burn-in time that Kal referenced?
out of curiousity (and as i need a repair soon), how much time did some upgraders spend without their amps? 3 weeks? more?