REL Subwoofer Cable Upgrade?

I've read in various forums that upgrading the cable that runs from amp to REL subwoofer can make a substantial sonic difference. These discussion all reference cables in the $700 to $800 range.

I have to believe that one can achieve a substantial portion of this improvement for $100 or $200? Do any of you have experience with this and some recommendations?

Thank you.
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"Zero Capacitance active shielding and the Quantum Tunneling"

I wonder what marketing genius came up with that?
Just gave my Rel Stentor a HUGE boost in performance!!It has been plugged into a dedicated line with a superb P/C,but no line conditioning.Sounds good too.
The rest of my set-up is plugged into Exact Power EP-15a/Ultra Pure conditioning.Really great stuff,and works as advertised.Runs cool/no heat as well.
So,I figured why not see if there is an inexpensive type of "effective" noise reducer,for the sub(just to see if I could squeeze some more from it).I did not want to run a twenty ft P/C from Exact Power stuff,so added a cute little,and really cheap PS Audio Noise Harvestor to the same duplex outlet as the REL is plugged into.
AMAZING results!!!NOW I am getting ALL my money's worth from my "quite expensive" sub.
Mogami 2549 DIY or have Redco make it up. I use screw-on compression bananas on the amp out and reused the stock neutrik which has the screw terms. Some but not all prefer compression, WBT etc, over soldering for better signal transfer...
Enjoy your music!
Absolutely. I use a REL Stadium lll and a REL Strata lll in 2 different systems and upgrading to the Synergistics Research Resolution Reference active cable made a substantial improvement in both sub's performance.

Both blended MUCH better and had deeper bass response and quicker transient performance, they just completely disappear now.

And don't forget about power cables. Using a SR Tesla 3 on the REL Strata lll bumped the performance up another coupla notches and an addition I would highly recommend.
