Which speakers will fill 5,000 cubic ft coherently

In porevious threads I've bemoaned the fact that my Kharma 3.2 FEs don't fill the room, 17 X 23 X 15 ft ceilings with a vertical enough soundstage, as though the speakers are literally too small. I have been advised to raise them,which I have done, , I have told to get taller, line arrays, even given names of custom speaker makers. Any specic recommendations from those that have had, and have conquered, this issue.
>Anybody out there drive a Woodmere with any tube amp?<

I used to have my Woodmeres running with deHavilland Aries 845G SET's with absolutely no problem, whatsoever.

I'm now using a McIntosh MC 352 with the Woodmeres connected via the 4 ohm taps.
Davvie- But don't some Mac amps have internal autoformers? I could be wrong, but I think I read that somewhere.

Denis- I think you should get the Selah's. I've always wanted to hear them and they are beautiful ;~)
Post removed 

Yes...The MC 352 does use output autoformers.

To quote McIntosh...
"Output autoformers, a feature of many of our amplifiers, assures that you get all the power you paid for. Other amplifiers, optimized for 8-ohm speakers, have warnings not to use with many speakers that are 4 or even 2-ohm impedance. Others are optimized to work with these low impedance speakers, but deliver only a fraction of their potential power with 8-ohm speakers. Output autoformers avoid this problem, with separate connections for all three popular speaker types, insuring full power, without stress, into any speaker regardless of impedance."