Emotiva XSP-1 vs XSP-1 Gen 2

Compared to our modified Audio Research LS2B MKll, we tried the 1st iteration of the Emotiva XSP-1. Per "The Jazzmama" It was depth-less, flat, 2 dimensional and "uninvolving."

In comparison, how does the XSP-1 Gen 2 perform with respect to the depth, holographics, 3 dimensionality, and staging as compared to the Original.

The ERC-3 is incredible at any price. The XPR-1 monoblocks are Kilo-buck monster eliminators.
I respect your opinion and would like to ask what amplifiers you compared the XPR-1's to?

I would like to try Emotiva's stuff, I just can't be bothered ordering it, listening to it only to send it back if it falls short of sounding reasonably convincing.

Kindest regards, TJF.
That's what we have virtually killed off. The few remaining brick and mortar give us a place to listen locally and establish a relationship with. We can't keep turning around and then buying off the internet to save a few dollars. Support your local dealers. No I am not one and yes I have committed that sin.

The speakers are Thiel 3.6 which we never properly heard prior to the XPR-1's. The cabling is Audio Art from Rob Fritz

The Amps which you are asking about are Mark Levinson 333.5 dual-monaural (the upgraded version $11,000), Mark Levinson ML-2 monoblocks and a Threshold T-50.

The Emotiva ERC-3 CD player ousted a very heavily modified and vastly improved Cary 303/300. The Cary ousted the Mark Levinson 3906 CD/Processor. It had better Holographic qualities. & a tube output and selectable up sampling.

If you order Emotiva products, their website guarantees "If you are not 100% satisfied with your product, we will give you a full refund of the purchase price for returns made within 30 days of purchase." you are only risking the cost of return shipping.

"We can't keep turning around and then buying off the internet to save a few dollars. Support your local dealers."

I once worked for 2 high end A/V Salons. One in particular practically wants to see the check book prior to engaging a customer's interests. I was a buyer at the other.

The amount of dealer profit margin on Levinson, Krell, Audio Research, McIntosh, etc. is enough to pay for Emotiva products out right.

When purchasing on Audiogon, eBay and others, folks are looking for high end gear and a 30-50% discount on used gear.

These internet purchasers are hoping to cut out the brick and mortar middle man fees. No matter where internet purchases are made, they are sight unseen nor auditioned.

A lot of "high-end" manufacturers outsource to cheap labor. Those sources are suspected to substitute with counterfeit caps, etc.

I am tired of the same old American theme of sell out and go "sailing" as one of our American name-only gear "makers" did. What happened to the dream of Levinson, Proceed, Krell, etc.

Levinson is purportedly led by a Levinson/Harmon International CEO from India trying to transplant manufacturing to be shipped from India.

The CEO cut out the in-house warranty service and it's outsourced, therefore, making it much more difficult to make a claim.

It's really a smart way of saving thousands of dollars when there might be a known defect stemming from the use of under-spec'd or inferior caps or transistors.

When Audio manufacturers make warranty repair hard to get, I'm sure you'll agree that, it doesn't make it easier for brick and mortars to sell said gear.

I will save my sermon so as not to offend any audio friends.

The big box retailer can't even properly demonstrate their gear. Try to audition a subwoofer for Home Theater or 2-channel audio.

I too was an Emotiva doubter (my name is not Thomas) until a friend helped me purchase the XPR-1 monoblocks. I was a complete audio name snob.

I do support the local folks with "American named vehicle purchases and repairs. My engine was made in Germany, the transmission was made in Mexico. The Mustang was assembled in Flat Rock Michigan. I was made in Detroit.

I always try to diminish the middle man profit when making a purchase. Do you think my medical bills come cheap?

Does it bother me that my $11,000 dual monaural, 600 watt, 150 lbs., unit got trounced by a pair of monoblocks retailing for under $3,000. You bet, it's down right humiliating.

Another great disappointment stems as a direct result from terrorists. You can no longer have these over 150 lb. behemoths picked up at your home and shipped for repairs or sale. Another 9/11-related inconvenience due to the completely required (yes, you are darned right it's completely required) Homeland Security regulations.

By purchasing Emotiva, you are helping to fund future research and product development of high quality gear lovingly designed by engineers from the Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A. area.

Why should the high end hobby be exclusive to the Super rich or unmarried folks?

Everyone should be able to share in The Arts at a real world and affordable price.

Most high-end hobbyists don't necessarily live within a 50 mile drive to buy gear. That's why Audiogon and eBay have flourished. Because of the internet used price wars, brick and mortars can hardly support taking in used gear and when they do, there is a 25% consignment fee. This makes it more difficult to upgrade with the brick and mortar shops.

You want to purchase from a brick and mortar and save money? Get their email address, phone and whip out the plastic money card. You don't need to drive to the store, just pay by phone or online.

It is no longer a matter of saving dollars alone, it's now a technology & performance, warranty and service issue.