I have a friend who is getting a pair of Sarastroses and he is beside himself with excitement.I think your move will not be lateral as you have inferred. Rather, it maybe your glimpse of heaven on earth.I have heard nothing but great things on the Verity stuff and may even consider updating one day ( I just stole a pair of Sim W-10 monos so I must lay low for a while).I think the Karma is a great speaker but more on the analytic side where as Verity is known for it's rich texture and dynamic ability.If you are tempted you should look up the Verity line and you may find a bigger angel.Fullrange is worth a lot in musical terms!!Hope this helps Dennis
I have a friend who is getting a pair of Sarastroses and he is beside himself with excitement.I think your move will not be lateral as you have inferred. Rather, it maybe your glimpse of heaven on earth.I have heard nothing but great things on the Verity stuff and may even consider updating one day ( I just stole a pair of Sim W-10 monos so I must lay low for a while).I think the Karma is a great speaker but more on the analytic side where as Verity is known for it's rich texture and dynamic ability.If you are tempted you should look up the Verity line and you may find a bigger angel.Fullrange is worth a lot in musical terms!!Hope this helps Dennis