Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal

Hello my friends!

My question is if this upgrade really worths the money. What do you think about these two speakers? Has anybody compared them side by side or heard them both extensively?
Is there a downside in this upgrade?
What I'm looking here is more bass, higher SPL's, and maybe a bit swetter timbre.

What are your ideas?



I cannot speak to the Karmas, as my experience is limited to listening session at shows. However, I can speak about the VA Parsifal Ovations. As a reviewer at positive-feedback.com, I have had the chance to listem to many speakers in search of my personal "grail". Before my review of the Parisifal Ovations I, of course, had heard of them and listened to them at various salons and shows. Even under such difficult settings then NEVER sounded less then very good. About 30 days into my review, I knew there was no going back for me and I purchased the review pair.

They are truely a wonderfully musical speaker!

Since my review, my wife and I moved into a house in which my "a/v" room is 22x22x9 (as depicted in my "System" shots, but the layout has changed significanly from then, some day soon I will update the photos). The room we were in when I "reviewed" them was at least 1/2 the size. As such, I had more them a couple of coversation with John Quick about getting the Starastro II to make sure it fills the new room. John discourged it and said I really need to give the POs a chance. He was right, these leave nothing to be desired as far as SPLs. They rock!

I have no doubt that these are the last speakers I will purchase. If you have already pegged yourself as an one that perferes "emotional" speakers over "analyitical" speakers, you cannot go wrong with Vertiy Audio.

Enjoy the search, John

I doubt I can try them at my home but what I can do for sure is take my amps to the dealer. Anyway Im ready to invest in this speaker, which means trading an amp for another. Maybe I'll also try the Nagra amps which are said to have great synergy with the Verity. With the 18 W Lamm monoblocks that I heard them they definitely did go low enough. I'll have a few more listening sessions before I decide. Kharma is an excellent speaker and probably does some this things better than the Sarastro but it is a little fatiguing in the higher frequencies.


Wow Sarastro must have really impressed you.


thanks for your answer!


Yes verity is an excellent speaker manufacturer. Im happy you consider them very emotional as these are my findings as well, together with an excellent tonality.

Thanks again everyone!
I have only heard the Verity Parsifals once at a show in Montreal a few years ago and it hasn't been the same since. There were also rooms with the Sarastro and the Ovation but the room I am referring to was the Parsifals PRIOR to the Ovation.

I listened to this system over a 3 day period. The early impressions were to say the least not very promising, thin, little bass and closed in. With a lot of adjustments and taking into consideration that the speakers were brand new without any breakin I suppose this could be expected. During the course of the next few days with numerous adjustments and placements the sound improved until finally on Saturday evening I heard the real potential of these amazing speakers. What changed? The soundstage opened up to the point that the speakers truly disappeared, the dynamic capability which was MIA originally was almost live, you are there. Timbres are second to nothing I have ever heard. Last but not least was bass punch, startling to say the least though not the last word in reaching the lower limits.

I feel these speakers while maybe not the best choice for rock will certainly rock with enough amplification and proper set-up but that is not what IMO they do best which is offer a truly believable recreation of a good recording. I only heard the Kharma 3.2 once and was impressed with the soundstage first and foremost. At their price point I felt there really wasn't the value as the bass was not very impressive. The Verity's are a speaker I could easily live with if I could get them to sing like I heard at that show in that quite large room, emotional, absolutely and what they can do with voices! That room was hands down the best of that show and among the very best most involving systems I've had the pleasure of hearing.

While the other Verity rooms were wonderful as well I can only imagine what they might have sounded like in THAT room with THOSE components.

Don't assume that you need to change amps. The Parsifal Encore (don't know about the Ovation) presents a moderately difficult load that rules out 300B and low power OTL amps. However, higher power SETs like the Cary 845/211 models work well, as does my higher power ARC VT130SE tube amp. I've had success with ss amps from Krell, Odyssey and TAD, too. I'd certainly try your Mac amp before I switched.

Good Luck,

Ι just want to mention that in case I upgrade I'll go for the Sarastro which has a 93 db efficiency. The parsifal is not an option anymore as I heard that it has a 106 db maximum spl and its not full range. So since I want to upgrade I might as well get something that it really worths it!