ProAcs or B&W--Not hifi experienced, but luv music

I have a 5K budget for a compact system. I have looked at three systems. The 4K setup is a Linn Classik w ProAc Tablette Signatures. The 6K one is Rotel receiver w/ B&W 805s w/a Mac Book as the CD player and a Benchmark digital to analog converter. The store is giving me a discount on demo stuff. I would be willing to spend the extra $$$ as that includes a notebook, on-line radio, etc. I like both of these. The third option is B&O at 5K. This is pretty but the the sound doesn't justify the $$$. I enjoy listening to international, classical, putamayo, jazz, latin. Which do you think is the better system?

Take a moment to visit a local Guitar (music) store. Audition some active speakers in their home studio setup and see if you find something you like. A lot of musicians use these type compact speakers with Mac's and PC's. They will not have the models you mentioned but you will find a great variety of compact systems - typically they carry a dozen "monitor" brands such as KRK, Dynaudio, Genelec, Adam, Focal, NHT in prices ranging from a few hundred to around $4500 for a pair of the Genelec 8050A (which is simply awesome). Remember this includes the amp which is built into the you could even consider the Genelecs on your budget.

To me when you buy gear it should be a no brainer - i.e. you should just absolutely love the sound...there should be no question or doubt. Reading between the lines, I just don't get the impression that you are all that enamoured with anything you have heard so far... and playing one speaker against one other speaker is not likely to get the optimum equipment for your tastes (just the better of two speakers - obviously). You may also find a less structured sales pressured enviroment for listening especially if you find a young musician working in the store to help you out and you bring your own CD's. Just a thought even if you simply use it as another data point...
Hi Peter,
I found some Proac 1sc in the cherry -- so that is exciting. What is the Oppos for $200 and what is that for? I don't want to put a system together and find I'm missing something. I still haven't found the Paradise -- looked on e-bay, too. But thanks -- you've been a great help. Shadorne -- what an excellent idea! I'll do that tomorrow. Thanks everyone, Jane
The Oppo is a universal disc player CD/DVD/SACD/DVD-A/mp3 etc. It does two-channel or video. It's a very good value.

Dcstep: The Oppo is a universal disc player
CD/DVD/SACD/DVD-A/mp3 etc. It does two-channel or video. It's a very good

Check "completed listings" and search for "Paradisea". Make sure you get the spelling right. If there are none on there currently, he will list some soon. Just buy one using "buy it now". Here is one listing:

The Oppo is if you don't buy the Linn, then you want a CD player. It is a good value, and you can input it into the Paradisea DAC, it may sound even better that way. You can buy all your cables from Blue Jeans cables.