alon model 5 mk 2

what kinds of power amps and sp cables are you using for the alon
i am using the aq midnight 3 single triwire
please comment
thanks norman
Hi Mark,
I purchased almost everything from Carl (which may no longer be an option), including new Circe alnico woofers and tweeters, Carl's internal wiring, and Carl's outboard crossovers that used upgraded capacitors from what was in the Circe. Other upgrades included Cardas binding posts, dynamat inside the boxes, and Sound Anchor cradle bases on spikes. I also refinished the cabinets. A lot of work, some fun, and a valuable lesson in determining early on what works well for the type of music you are going to listen to, before spending a lot of money. Instead of going the route I did, you would be better off buying used Vipers.

Sorry Jmlab926, not meaning to redirect your thread, but I believe the concensus is that you need tube amps to achieve the sound the designer intended for these speakers, and I would say at least 100 wpc. Maybe the Herron amps Harmonia uses are an exception, since she seems to like them. However, IMO, if you cannot use tube amps I personally would try other speakers.
hi are you guys going to upgrade
i want to buy the original woofers of the alon 5 mk2
mine has some problems even after fixing
thanks a lot please contact me if you want to upgrade and i will buy the basic woofers at a reasonable price
If you need your woofers fixed, contact Bill LeGall at Millersound. He works on Alons.
hi mingles
i am in canada there is a shop which has fixed the woofers
but there are still some noise when the bass signal is deep
and the spl is high
thanks norman
i will buy your woofers if you wish to upgrade thanks
Contact Carl if you want to buy new woofers. Contact Bill LeGall if you want to rebuild them. Bill is a master at what he does and will make them better than new. Bill often works for Carl.