Just purchased Usher Be-718. Need Help with Setup

I've just purchased Usher Audio's Be-718. So now I'm researching on speaker stands so far i've only found a few...

There are two from Usher: 708 and 728 spearker stands
I really like the fact that they are adjustable (because I'm also shopping around for a new listening chair...)
but only thing that bugs me is the fact that the wood doesnt quite match the Be-718. (my brother has the 728stands)

Then there are Sound Anchors (custom made for Be-718). Comes in 3&4 post flavors. Never seen them in person, but they look sturdy enough to support a truck.

And I've also found Solid Steel SS series. I really like the way they look. I've seen their equipment racks and heard great things about them. http://www.solidsteel.it/

To Be-718 owners: What stands are you using??

Anyone with experience with Sound Anchors/Solid Steel speaker stands?

What other stands should I look into?

Ofcourse acoustic/build quality comes first, but as far as price, I would like to keep them under $500. $600 is my screaming point. Never knew good stands could cost so much... Any more than that, maybe i should considered getting floor stand speakers instead of stand-mount.
By the way Sound Anchor sent me their on file blue print of 23" 4post + 24" 3post Be-718 stands. If you want i can foward them.
Give Ty the dimensions you need and he'll make you a set of Tyler stands ... check out his site ... about $350
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