Hyperion HPS-938 speakers

Has anyone had any experience with the Hyperion HPS-938? Seem to be having a problem with them being bright in the top end, lean in the mids, and light on the base. In all the reviews I have read never any talk of these problems. I have Arcam gear and Nordost cables. Have had them for quite some time. Any thoughts??
I have an Arcam P1000. Using it in a 5.1 system. The spare two channels are being used to bi-amp the fronts. Looking at the McIntosh MC-207 and the NAD M25 amps to replace it. Now wondering if I should keep the amp and change the speakers. I have tons of detail and a wide and deep soundstage, just no "meat on the bone" so to speak.
The Αrcam most definitely is the problem. Try a true 2-channel amp preferably a musical one like the Mcintosh and your problem will be gone!
Take one to audition at your home and you will see.


I've heard them many times at Quest For Sound(in Bensalem,PA)At first I did not like them.They were paired with a DK Design Group VS-1 mkII.I've gown to like them quite a lot over the past 2 years.They sound best with tube amps.The Granite Audio monoblocks,Consonance Cyber 800's,Jas 2.1 and 2.3 integrated amps,and Soundquest SQ 88 integrated all do a nice job.My favorite was the Consonance amps(which I purchased).The bass was deep and much better controlled than the DK.

Transnova (Larry),

Do you think Mac solid state amps get me closer to tube sound? Have to keep home theater in mind also. Tubes are not practical in my set up.

I also like Hyperions and I can tell you that careful component matching is a must. But if done successfully the sound is very satisfying and musical without the edginess/brightness that you are describing and which I have heard ones or twice when paired with wrong puppies.

About your thoughts about Macs.........

I would say yes.....not exactly tubes but musically satisfying. Might be a very good match for Hyperions.
Also don't overlook the source, room acoustics, preamp etc.
A lot of it comes down to synergy and room characteristics.
