YG Acoustics add in Stereophile

I saw the YG Acoustics add in Stereophile and was wondering if anyone knew what "Competitor" speaker they were refering to in the measurements. I heard the YGs at CES and they sounded great to me.
To clarify, as requested: The earlier post (06/24/08) described my plans at the time to experiment with preamplifiers. The later post (11/17/08) describes what happened after a widened effort at experimentation. I found that the Krell EVO 202, plus a Kimber Select 1136 interconnect, sounded best to me when connected to my Burmester 911 Mk 3 amplifier. That is, that combination sounded better to my ears than my MBL 5010 preamp with a variety of other interconnects (Cardas Golden Reference, Siltech, and several other Kimber Select cables). I believe that the Burmester 911 Mk 3 performs best when coupled to a preamplifier with a low output impedance and an interconnect with relatively low impedance. Among other things, the right combination produces music with more shean or sparkle on top. As to the YG Anat Ref II Studios: mine have never bottomed out, nor have I experiences any cabinet vibraion. I have never played them at extremely high volume levels, but I do play them fairly loud, especially on full orchestra CDs. The front baffles are made of an alloy which is remarkably inert, and the rest of the cabinets are of aircraft grade aluminum. If you want to play music at 100 db or more in very large rooms, the YG Anat Ref II Professionals would probably be a better choice that the Studios, since the Professionals have two powered subwoofers per side whereas thew Studios have only one per side. But I am happy with what I have. With my present electronics and cabling, they come closer to live music than any other system that I have heard.

"rockport altair's and i can tell you without hesitation or any doubt at all that there are no box vibrations."

Of course they do not vibrate. They have a big hole in the back… You did not find the bottom since, being a ported design, you do not have much of it. Having said that, it does sound like the YG do not have a high-pass filter on the mids. Not very smart and quite a bit of money for what is basically a 2 way with a sub.
Koegz on 10-31-08 you posted a thread "rockport altair any informed opinions?"

and now you have just posted saying you own a pair wow! that was quick.

Did you buy a used pair or new, could you possibly go back to that thread and give more detailed information regarding your set-up and your thoughts.

Roypan, I have been wondering the same about the design so which is it, full range and two way with a sub.
royan i see you have the magico's V3, your telling me i have no lower end? i love guys like you who think they know all. i considered the M6's(a fantastic speaker) but the V3's did not meet the standard, in the end i went with the rockport altair. as for the bottom end, i do not use nor do i need a sub. the lower end is extremely tight and extremely deep. i suppose no ported speakers have any lower end. certainly not the alexandria's or the focal grande's also speakers considered. i know you need a sub with those V3's my 800d's had a better lower end. oh but wait your magico's arn't ported why would you need a sub? i am not knocking the V3's they are a great speaker for their range, but please don't tell me about bass, i'll put my set up against yours any day and just wipe the floor with you. "having said that, it sounds to me" that you are just jealius and you should be!
Physics are physics. A ported design like the Alter, will be apprx 24 db down from its reference efficiency point at 20Hz. Like it or not, that is how it goes. Whatever low bass you are hearing, is in your head not in the real world. In terms of the V3, you can ck online and see how low they actually go. They have 12db more output at 20Hz then the 4 time more expensive Alter. It is not all about size and gloss finish you know. But again, if you live in your head, that doesn’t really matter doesn’t it? I have nothing against your speakers, I heard them few times and thought that other then the silly side firing woofers, that sounds completely disengaged from the speakers, they were actually very pleasant.