Right on cue, Stevecham marches in to defend Krell.
My comments were not intended to be "anti-Krell" and I don't feel
they read that way. My impressions of the Krell sound over the years are that
they offer a clean and dynamic sound with very good woofer control and
drive. But for my taste, they can be a little sterile and miss some of the tone
and body (dimensionality) of real instruments, something most good tube
components can do. YMMV. I have not heard any of the current Krell
products but I have heard many systems driven by Krell over the years at
friend's homes, at dealers, and at audio shows. The only Krell equipment I've
owned was a KSA-150 and KSP-7B, admittedly many years ago.
I stated "In my experience" and what more could any of us do in
attempting to be helpful to Radrog? None of us has all the answers but
becoming defensive when someone feels a favorite brand is commented on
in less than glowing raves is not really helpful. Steve likes Krell and believes
it works great in his system. Great. I was simply trying to offer Radrog my
perspective based upon decades in this hobby.
BTW, I too own JC-1 amps and believe they could be a wonderful match with
Vandersteens. But then the Parasounds offer more liquidity and less
brightness or glare to my ears than any Krells I've heard (again, my
Good luck Radrog but again, at this price point, I believe you will need to do
your own audition.