Avalon Eidolon and Krell, good match or not?

I have Krell 700cx and BW 802D. I was wondering if going to the Eidolon is a good upgrade? Thx.
Look, I'm sure most of you guys haven't even begun to have owned and lived with as much world class gear as I have, so let's stop the nonsense. I've had great all tube setups, 50/50 kits and every other possible combination imaginable. The Eidolons are fantastic and do mate well with tubes. They also sound amazing with solid state when properly setup. I know Krell well, I've owned a ton of it along with many other fine pieces of equipment. Krell amplification can produce one of the most realistic presentations available "if" properly mated and cabled. In fact, I recall a visit to my dealer when he was demoing the WP5.1's from wilson audio. The amps we used were an ARC VT200 with Ref 2 MKII preamp and a Krell FPB 600....they were virtually indistinguishable from each other. The Avalons and Spectral gear also sound great together. Both technologies can yield involving results. The joy some of you seem to obtain from the degradation of a particular brand or technology is more than juvenile, it's ignorant. Then again, what many so called audiophiles pass off as a listening session often brings into question their frame of reference and hearing prowess.
>>Look, I'm sure most of you guys haven't even begun to have owned and lived with as much world class gear as I have<<

I have.

Much more in fact.
Ok, Audiofeil, yours is bigger! Your list of gear is enormous..oh, wait..you didn't list anything did you? How about the more important aspect of audio appreciation and understanding..have you ever heard the BSO live? Ever heard of new world records? Rochberg perhaps? Oboe from a french horn a problem for you? Obsessed with quotations? I have alot of questions for someone who isn't forthcoming with his audio ownership experience. If I've missed your credentials then I apologize...but I still question your ears.
I used the Reference One with VT200 during the 1st year of ownership of the Eidolons. I kept the reference one until last year. Dumped the VT200 within 9 months.
The VT200 is indeed up there in the league of Krell in terms of non-musicality.
( I had a Krell KSA100S (1994-1995) and then a KSA300S (1995-1999). I had Ascents back then. And back then I was after Hi Fi - the ultimate resolution and I was deaf to music.
I don't know if mine is bigger but that's irrelevant and only a concern if you're insecure about yours.

What matters is I've owned more equipment than you've heard.
