What is the 'Chales Shaw' of loudspeakers?

For those who may be away from the US wine scene, "Charles Shaw" referes to a brand of wines that costs $2-$3 per bottle and has been winning competitions and beating many $50 wines in blind tests.

So who is the "Charles Shaw" of loudspeakers? Classical music, medium room if that matters.
You may want to pickup some white van speakers as they are very similar to 2 buck chuck. I would pick up some lightly used speakers such a Infinity Intermezzo 2.6 or something like Triangles. All kidding aside Two Buck Chuck is terrible please at least upgrade to something that tastes good such as Yellow Tail.
Cerwin Vega would likely suit your tastes. They used to offer a delicious sharkskin finish and ports large enough to store a couple of bottles of your favorite wine horizontally. I wish I could remember the model number for you. Bottoms up!!
Usblues offers the best advise. With that said, if you have the room, I'll second Krisjan's suggestion of the Vandersteen 2's.
I don't know much and am pretty much a newbie but I'll second the Large Advent vote.
Have a pair, love 'em.
Then got another, stacked 'em.
Then a customer gave me a pair of KLF 30s (Klipsch! Already had Heresys in the back on B...)
Now using the KLFs...gulp!
Oh and he also gave me a pair of...drumroll please...AR9s!
(Need all 4 woofs refoamed though.)
Man, some people!
Heh heh heh...
Life IS good!