Bar81. I love Alto Utopias, and they are one of the best sounding speakers that I've ever auditioned. But perhaps you should heed your own advise and not throw in random speakers that OP has not requested.
I don't have any negative to say about Nautilus 804 that I used to own, and if you re read my post you'll agree to it.
I'm not sure why you were compelled to bash 1037BE. I merely mentioned it because that's my current speakers. However you are the first one to say that 1037BE is not balanced. What they are not is an easy load. The impedance drops significantly at 1KHz and down. They will require amps that can supply a lot of currents at low impedance, otherwise they will sound lean. Perhaps your previous impression was hampered by inadequate amps. I'll just leave it at that. If you want further discussion perhaps you can start another thread.
I don't have any negative to say about Nautilus 804 that I used to own, and if you re read my post you'll agree to it.
I'm not sure why you were compelled to bash 1037BE. I merely mentioned it because that's my current speakers. However you are the first one to say that 1037BE is not balanced. What they are not is an easy load. The impedance drops significantly at 1KHz and down. They will require amps that can supply a lot of currents at low impedance, otherwise they will sound lean. Perhaps your previous impression was hampered by inadequate amps. I'll just leave it at that. If you want further discussion perhaps you can start another thread.