Your opinions on what speakers to go with?

I listen mostly to rock, dance/trance, female vocals?

My system is comprised of Rogue Audio M150 Monoblocks, Rogue Audio Perseus Preamp, Consonance Turandot Player, and Monitor RS8's speakers.

I am looking to upgrade the speakers and I would like to know your opinions on what to go with (or what companies make a system that for the most part sound great with the music that I listen to).

My problem is when I raise the volume only to mid levels I start hearing distortion coming from the Monitors, as well as sounds mixing together (when they shouldn't). I like to listen to my music loud so please keep that in mind.

Please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I had a pair of Monitor Audio silver s8's, which I believe were the british made predecessor of your RS8s. I recently dumped them off for a pair of Quad 22L2s. I can't honestly say I had any problems with distortion at moderate listening levels, but I have all solid state gear (Musical Fidelity A308 Integrated and a benchmark dac1).

The MAs have an abundance of low end base given the 3 6 1/2" drivers and dual rear ports. My complaint with them was boomy low frequency and shrill high frequency with the metallic dome tweeters at increased volume, so that may be the muddiness you're hearing (not really distortion, just poor imaging due to an overload of low end response). I agree though that power conditioning, better power cables and solid interconnects can clean up the sound quite a bit. You could probably get away with pure silver since you're using a tube setup (I found I can't as it's too much HF emphasis). I'll be the first to admit I'm not an expert (nor even close), but I've learned some through the growing pains of system upgrades and dealing with MAs.

The Quads throw out a much better sound stage and better the expense of low end frequency response of course (one less 6 1/2" driver and one less rear port).
I strongly suggest you check out Digital Phase AP-4's.
They are made to order for your requirements.
Would the Usher BE-718's do the job, or would I need to stick with CP-8871's?

Thanks for all of your posts...

your queston regarding Usher dancer series would require knowing your room size, the tiny dancer works very well in a small room whereas the larger dancer series realy requires a much larger room. Many of the Usher speakers will work well with lower power amps but the dancer series loves power. Your mono blocks would be a nice match with the 8871 and we have powered the tiny dancer and a pair of 8571 with a big rogue stereo amp with very good results.