Monitors + sub or Floor standers?

Due to a potential domestic situation I may have to move my system into a small den (10x10). I love my Usher BE10 speakers and my initial inclination is to try and make them work in a small room by using a lot of room treatments. But being an incurable audiophile I quickly realized that this could an opportunity to try something new. I figure my options are to keep my speakers, get smaller floor standers, or get monitors + sub. I am partial to the last option. Because the room is small, I want to keep the visual and physical impact of my speakers down to a minimum. I also "think" that monitors will work better in a small room. So my question is if people had their choice, would they get a floor stander or monitors + sub? It dont listen at high volume and prefer detail and imaging over explosive dynamics. I listen to mostly acoustic female vocals.
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Thanks guys. I am definitely leaning towards the monitors + sub. Linkster and Lapierre bring up interesting points about dispersion and imaging. I am going to have to research speakers that have these characteristics. Tgrisham and bob_reynolds, I read that article as well and it makes some sense to me.

This should be fun!
Dear Tboooe: Very good choice ( monitor plus subs that btw is very good choice in large rooms too. ).

You could " think " on the own Usher monitors, are really good. The sub's choice is also very important subject and IMHO Velodyne could be a good alternative.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Tboooe found this in another post regarding small room speakers:

I would suggest a pair of Manger Swings with a Zerobox subwoofer. The Swings do not play below 100Hz, hence a small room like yours will not affect it much. Below 100Hz just dial-in the amount of bass you require for your room, on the subwoofer.

Manger Swing


Zu Presence