Mbl Magic?

I recently visited some showrooms, heard jbl, one of their top models and focal's 1007 monitor. Ok not the same price point as mbl's. There are so many more I have heard since hearing the mbl's.
Why do the mbl's blow everything out of the water for me like nothing else?
How many goners own the mbl's and feel the same way? Even the 116's satisfy me but not the 121's.
I would like to hear how mbl owners came to decide that the mbl's are the ones.
Are there any that approach their life-like sound stage?
Are there any ex-mbl owners that have moved onto something else, I would like to hear these stories as well.
Pedrillo MBL 101E's, oh and just to let you know I use to own Avalon Isis and prefer these.
I think the richness and liveliness you hear from a well set-up pair of MBLs is due in large measure to the unusually well-energized, spectrally correct reverberant field they generate. In this area, the MBLs replicate the soundfield characteristics of a live performance better than most speakers do; most speakers generate a reverberant field that is much weaker (relative to the direct sound) than one would find at a live performance, and that weak reverberant field is often spectrally dissimilar to the first-arrival sound. MBL isn't the only manuracturer who gives these characteristic high priority.


I belive he sells SoundLabs that he would say competes with MBL. With all due respect though, they don't. MBL's are the only speaker IMO that just do it. If money is no concern, they are the way to go.

Also, I will say that Duke's speaker (Dream Maker) that I heard at RMAF 2007 is great. I was VERY impressed. I personally thought with certain music they suck you in. I played blues and they reproduced just ammazing. They have a certain tone that you will either like or not. Interesting and worth a listen. Very good sound at a moderate price ($9k I think).

Good Luck