I own a pair of A-7's since last fall and love them. I have run them with 3/4 of a watt and 75 watts. Depending on your room size and listening habits I recommend caution in terms of power, especially if they are 16 0hm like mine. 75 watts was a pair of Blue Circle BC2 hybrid monoblocks, 3/4 of a watt ( That's right not even a full watt! )was a custom Darling amp and lastly a custom 45 SET both made by P. Townsend a retired electronics engineer/designer/extraordinaire.
These need clean low hum/noise amps. More than 2.5
milivolts from 12 feet away and you will hear it when music stops or possible quiet passages.
1. The sonic signature of the A7's? Dynamics and texture matched by few. (Tannoy?)
2. How much they worth? 700-3,500 Japanese worship A-7's
3. Can they still be serviced? Great Plains Audio http://www.greatplainsaudio.com/
4. How are they compare with modern speakers if this is a fair question?
Depends on how much care you show in amp choice and minor simple tweeks to cabinets and (damping)horn. Will exceed most modern designs in dynamics, texture, finesse and natural reproduction elegance.
These need clean low hum/noise amps. More than 2.5
milivolts from 12 feet away and you will hear it when music stops or possible quiet passages.
1. The sonic signature of the A7's? Dynamics and texture matched by few. (Tannoy?)
2. How much they worth? 700-3,500 Japanese worship A-7's
3. Can they still be serviced? Great Plains Audio http://www.greatplainsaudio.com/
4. How are they compare with modern speakers if this is a fair question?
Depends on how much care you show in amp choice and minor simple tweeks to cabinets and (damping)horn. Will exceed most modern designs in dynamics, texture, finesse and natural reproduction elegance.