speakers for classical music

Would like to hear from classical music listeners as to best floorstanders for that genre. B&W 803's sound good but want to get input with regard to other possibilities.
I am now totally off B&W speakers, because I kept destroying them! I had the 803D. However, for classical music they were very, very good. The catch is...you need a bit of volume to get them going, but too much power and the crossovers fail!
Overall, if you know their limitations and respect them, they are great for the price.
They wern't for me, but maybe they will be for you...give them a try!
If you really want to go all out, try the Krell LAT-1000. They are bloody expensive, and bloody good.
Quad ESL 57s or Magnepans. If you live in the Seattle area feel free to listen to my speakers. I have an extensive collection of classical music. A lot will depend on your room, tastes, and other equipment. Good luck. Rob.
if you're talking orchestra(pricing all over the place), shahinian,mbl,ohm,and at the risk of turning this into a bashing thread, bose 901's.
I assume that by "classical music", you are referring to symphonic music. You need a very good full-range speaker (backed by superb electronics) to have any hope of reproducing the sound of a symphony orchestra, while non-piano chamber music can be handled properly by good monitor speakers.

Speakers that will be used for symphonic music need to have enormous headroom to handle the scale and volume of a large orchestra (few speakers are able), and need to be voiced correctly in the mid's and upper-mid's so as not to mess up the sound of strings (few are).

E-mail me if you want specific suggestions.