ProAc Tablette 50 or Quad 12L?

Hiya all,

I have a line on both. In your own personal opinion which one is better. They will be driven by 18 wpc int tube amp

Thanks in advance to all replies.

I never heard of the Almrro. I currently driving the ProAcs with Audio Space AS-3i int. which puts out 18 wpc triode and 32 ultralinear. I do prefer the triode settings, plenty enaugh juice for the ProAcs.

Thanks for replying,

You're welcome.

The AS-3i is a nice unit. These units are made in Hong Kong (where I live) and have a great reputation. The ProAcs are very popular in HK as well. Having heard both, but not in the same system, I can understand why and believe also that triode mode would be the better match.

Enjoy your new lovely kit.


I would appreciate if you can advise on the differences between ALmarro 318A and 318B. From what I understand, the 318A is not as powerful as the 318B. Will the 318A have enough power to drive the Proac Tablette 50 Signature?

Thanks in advance.