Speaker advice?

I'm beginning to look into options for a new set of speakers. For the last 4 years or so I've been running a pair of Infinity 3500 speakers that I picked up at an estate sale for $50. They sound quite good, but I think I could do much better. Bass reproduction is good, but I think I'm looking for a bit more resolution.

My associated equipment: VPI Scout, Ear 834P Phono, Rotel 1062 Integrated Amp, Rotel 991 CD player.

I'm looking for a pair of floorstanding/full rangevspeakers (used is ok, even preferable) in the ballpark of $1500 with posts for bi-wiring. I would be using the Rotel Integrated for now, but in the future I intend to go with Blue Circle seperates (I'm looking at BC22, BC24, or BC26 amps with BC3 preamp) so I'd like something that would work well with them.

I listen to mostly rock music. I'm no bass freak, but I think speakers should deliver bass that's proper to the music (and I really have no complaints in that dept. with the Infinity's, which have two 8" woofers). Don't want a subwoofer either.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking in the direction of the Spendor S8e or S5e's.

I have heard a few floorstanding models from Monitor Audio that sounded very good for the money you are looking to spend.Personally I would search the classifeds here at Audiogon,
My room is about 15' x 25', but the system is along an open wall that leads on one side to the kitchen and on the other to the hallway to the bedrooms. Directly behind the listening position is an exposed brick wall. I'm a renter in the boroughs of NYC, which means I won't be in my apartment forever and my next apartment may be completely different (whenever I get up the energy to move), so I probably need a versatile speaker that'll work well in different rooms, most of them probably fairly small.

I don't listen at very loud volumes. The dial on the Rotel rarely goes past 9 o'clock.

What I'm looking for out of my system is musicality. It doesn't need to be the most transparent, detailed, or neutral system, but it should play music that gets my toes tapping.

While the Infinity's are musical, I feel like I'm missing a lot of detail. They were made in 1981 and I can't help but think there's been advances in speaker design in the last 27 years...

I'll take a look at Monitor Audio.
A couple of companies come to my mind. B&W and Paradigm. Both companies offer several lines aand both have developed
sound research into their designs. Also for the most part they have offerings that are affordable. Good Luck