Rogue Cronus Magnum Tube Rolling

I love my Cronus Magnum as is, but thinking I might like it a tad brighter. Has anyone out there experimented tube rolling this amp.

Thanks in advance. would appreciate any input.
Yes. I would suggest putting a Mazda Cite 12au7 in the center pre amp position. I have it in my Cronus Magnum and it's outstanding. Crisp, clean, clear and a very 3D holographic sound without sounding harsh or brittle.

The Cifte is flanked by 2 La Radiotechnique 12au7 in my amp. All from Kevin at Upscale Audio.

I think you would be very happy with the above. You could start with the one Cifte and take it from there!
Thanks Bajaed. I wish I had seen your response earlier. I would've tried them. I did order some Mullards from Upscale Audio. Will update after receipt and installation.