Verity Audio Parsifal vs. Aerial 10T

I've been hunting for speakers for a few months, now. Houston, TX is a wasteland for high-end audio of any kind so auditions can't usually be had. I was considering Aerial 10Ts from the very good posts on them but have reconsidered because of the fact they are getting a bit long-in-the-tooth in terms of manufacture date and looks.

My search brings up Verity Parsifals as a clear competitor to the Aerial 10T. Can anyone offer information as to how these two compare and differ?

I currently have a pair of Totem Mani-2s run by SimAudio W-6 monoblocks that I love. Sound may be 'slightly' more forward and not enough bass for me. Mostly listen to acoustic, pop ballad, and would like to get into more classical piano.

I know I should listen for myself but it will be interesting to here comments from others.

Thanks, in advance.
I don't want to do the lead shot in the Vr4's and the Vr5's are out of my price range.

Thanks for the thoughts, though.
Two totally different speakers. The Parsifal is a finesse speaker that really can't play big, while the 10T's can do big music, yet are somewhat lacking in finesse. Both are great speakers that do a lot of things right, but they are really not competitors. Of course, the Verity is still in production in the latest iteration, while the 10T has not been made for five or six years. Both are great in the right system (but that can be said for a lot of high-end gear).
I second Raquel's comments. Both speakers have large followings and many strong points, but are very different, and therefore not truely 'clear competitors'. The Parsifal is a finesse and intimate speaker, while the 10T have a bigger, bolder sound, though they can take a lot of power to drive them.

FWIW, I own the Parsifal Encore's, and my main musical genre is acoustic jazz. I'll be the first to admit that these speakers (Parsifal's) are not the best for rockin' the house. What they do well though they do VERY well.

Frederick21: The Von Schweikert VR-4Sr. does not use or require lead shot. You must be thinking of the VR-4Jr. The 4Sr. is vastly superior to the Aerial if you're looking for coherency, dynamics, clarity, soundstage and realism. I have not heard the Verity.
I guess I should put the Vr-4sr on my list.

A refined speaker like the Parsifal could also be more my taste. My room size isn't large but is open to one side.