Verity Audio Parsifal vs. Aerial 10T

I've been hunting for speakers for a few months, now. Houston, TX is a wasteland for high-end audio of any kind so auditions can't usually be had. I was considering Aerial 10Ts from the very good posts on them but have reconsidered because of the fact they are getting a bit long-in-the-tooth in terms of manufacture date and looks.

My search brings up Verity Parsifals as a clear competitor to the Aerial 10T. Can anyone offer information as to how these two compare and differ?

I currently have a pair of Totem Mani-2s run by SimAudio W-6 monoblocks that I love. Sound may be 'slightly' more forward and not enough bass for me. Mostly listen to acoustic, pop ballad, and would like to get into more classical piano.

I know I should listen for myself but it will be interesting to here comments from others.

Thanks, in advance.
There's an authorized Aerial Acoustics dealer in Conroe:

Jobe Systems
2112 West Davis Street
Conroe, TX 77304
tel: 936.441.1112

If you can, I think you should also check out the Mirage OMD-28 and the Acoustic Zen Adagio or Crescendo depending on your budget. I think the nearest Acoustic Zen dealer is Audio Zeal in Austin. The Mirage website lists Magnolia Home Theater as a Mirage dealer, but I don't know if that's still current. Still, it would be worth calling them (lots of Houston locations) to see if any have a pair of OMD-28s or at least OMD-15s.
I have to say I miss my 10Ts. They didn't do all the audiophile sleights of hand, but the relaxing ease of all musical components (EVEN ON BAD RECORDINGS) makes you (well me, at least) want to listen forever. It heals the wounded recordings like a champ. But it is not a dull or reserved or boring or distant sound that makes you think something is missing. That is the 10T's (and maybe other Aerials?) main strength and why I believe it was (and is still) so popular. I think they were really perfect for the early digital sources, as they seem to avoid the digital glare and etch and other forms of distortion very well. And the bass is nice and deep and nicely controlled, if not too detailed. As I said, I didn't hear walls or ceilings disappearing from some huge soundstage, but I heard a good small stage with smallish images, but still realistic enough to do the job. They are a great bargain at used prices, I think.
Hey Frederick. Congrats on your new speakers!

Im sure you will be happy with them. Yes I listened to the 10T and although it is a great speaker, the Verity suited ME better. Dont let that get in the way of your listening pleasure!
You purchased an awesome speaker.

Happy Listening,
