Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s

If price were not a consideration and you could have any upstream electronics you choose, in 16 by 22 room, which of the following speakers would you choose and why? Magico Mini 2 , Kharma Midi Exquisite, MBL 101 E, or the Sonus Faber Amati Annaversary.
Magico mini much more musical more natural Kharmas in your face must have tubes to tame forward ceramic sound People love to knock #1. If you dont like Magico you have NOT heard them set up right!!
I heard the Mini 2 at Singer and loved them, but felt that there would be no way (for me to own them) if I didn't run a sub as well.

I was reading this thread along with others regarding Magico speakers and as usual everyone has there fav's. I currently own MBL 101E's and recently recieved a pair of Magico 2's and have to say what's all the fuss?

I had three others over to hear them, they are supose to be all this and that. These same idividules have heard my MBL set-up along with other set-ups in the past, we are all just left scatching our heads wondering what every one else is hearing because they don't even come close to what the MBL 101E's. I can go into great detail but why? possibly the other Magico speakers within the line would be better for comparision.

I have to ask as there have been alot of opions here, have any of you who are responding with your opinion actually owned MBL 101E's or had them in your own system and then got a pair of these other speakers and compared directly as I have just done because this just isn't making any sence to me as the difference is just to far apart how does one compare. I guess if you put the Magico's in a small room or with sub's but if I had such a room my choise of speakers would not be MBL 101E's.

I like the look of Kharma speakers but that's about it, anytime I listen to them I find them very fatiguing and when I go and listen to live music performances it's not that way to me so somethings wrong.
I heard the Magico V3 at Sound by Singer. Was distinctly unimpressed. I believe it was set-up with VTL and Esoteric. It was in a small room, listening near-field, with much toe-in. Perhaps that is the reason for the poor showing, but why would a dealer try to sell something not properly set-up.

The one thing revolutionary about Magico is the price. They are breaking new ground in that department. I just don't see the value. The list price of the Mini 2 is staggering.

Kharma is also not a good value. Perhaps it can partly be blamed on the Euro.
If you are looking for a smaller speaker that can play loud without strain and is detailed and musical you might want to check out the new Von Schweikert Unifield 3.

Blessings, Bob