If money is not a problem

What speakers would you buy if you had unlimited funds?
I would echo Glory...silly stuff going on here. You guys lack poetry. Get a pair of ESL 57, a top of the line EAR amplifier, a Shindo pre, and with less than 20K you get something that none of the solutions offered above can approach...and if you really want to splurge hire someone who can understand what woofer might be added to complement the quads...imho
Ggavetti.....funny, you must be kidding?....see my post.

Even my humble system beats the Quads....overall.
Sogood51, well, I have probably exaggerated in saying that none of the solutions above would approach the system I suggest (in fact, I never tried the speakers you recommend). Still, I believe the magic of the Quads is hard to beat no matter how much you spend. We all know the issues of the Quads, their limitation etc. Despite that I have been looking for something that beats them and had no luck, even hyper-hyped, orders of magnitude more expensive speakers...this is at least what my ears tell me (and even the ears of well-reputed people like Ken Kessler and the like).
Seven Revel Salon 2 speakers in a 7.2 surround setup... Oh wait, that's
exactly what I did! Soon to be a 7.3 setup once I find a custom instal Revel
Sub 30 floating around somewhere...

Spending more money doesn't mean you are getting better quality speakers
or more accurate speakers.

I guess if I could justify it, I would buy two more Salon2s so that I could have
a 9.3 setup. This way I could have optimal 5.1 playback for music and
optimal 5.1 and 7.1 THX playback for movies without having to sacrifice one's
speaker positionings at the expense of the other's.

Perhaps I will do that at some point anyway if I find some used ones cheap
enough... Money isn't the issue, I just feel stupid buying two more of these
speakers for something so trivial. I would also have to change my couch size
to something smaller at the same time, so that there would be access to the
back of the room still. It is really a drop in the bucket at this point though
considering the total expenses I've accrued on my entire room and setup...
Ggavetti........probably should have kept my trap shut :-), I do pretty much agree with you.

Gotta love the QUADS!....and I do.
