Avalon Indra vs Revel Studio2 vs Focal 1037BE

I've auditioned all these speakers except for the Avalon Indra. Anybody have a chance to compare these speakers? The reason I'm interested in the Indra is that it's a one box attractive design. I've also heard very good things about its visual quality. Also, would anybody be able to help me with what street prices to expect for the Indra?
When you listen to the Indra's, they may not have that excitement and slam as the Wilson's. In fact, you might find them a bit buttoned-up in comparison. However, they do everything extremely well without exageration. I think one has to ask how well a speaker will satisfy over the long run. If you have easy access to audition, you might go back and listen to the final 2 contenders one more time.

Anyway, I think you got it down to a great 3, and you cannot really make a wrong decision here. I think Wilson and Avalon are totally different speakers, and you should know right away which you prefer.
I listened to the Watt Puppy 8 , the Alto Focal, and the Sonus Faber Cremona M( which I actually purchased initially).
Upon hearing the Avalon Indra, I would say they were the best I had heard driven by tube amplifiers. They are very revealing and transparent. I found that digital music sounded very "etchy" and "HI-FI ish", even through multi-thousand dollar digital setups.
Analogue sounds great, even a modest turntable will put you in audio nirvana.
I bought them and have them in an all Shindo setup.I am currently going through an upgrade path towards a high end analogue system.
The Indras are priced between the Sophias and Watt Puppy 8.
This is a great thread! It is looking at exactly the same process I went through. I ended up demoing the Focal 1037's against the Cremona M's against the Focal Alto Utopias. All of these speakers were demo'ed on Burmester, Halcro, as well as Mcintosh gear. I really put the dealer through hell with multiple visits but it worked out in the end. I, of course, liked the Utopias followed by Cremonas and 1037's.
I also listened to the Avalons but they did nothing for me. The Avalons compared to the others sounded dated and lifeless. I was also made aware of the new Utopias but the sticker shock was too much for me to handle.
My dealer took amzing care of me and I am not sure where everyone else on this thread is from but if you are in Southern California, I can refer you to the class-act of the industry, if you are interested. This exceeds my prior purchased in New York, Carolina, and Florida.