help me build a cheap second system


I got lucky, and am going bi-coastal. My NYC apt rig is:

TAD CR1 speakers,
TAD M2500 power amp,
MSB Platinum Signature DAC IV/Diamond Power base
Sonore Custom Music server
HiDiamond 7 speaker cables

My New LA apt's listening/living room is approx 13X15, and I'd like to go the other route, and see how much great sound I can get for under 7k?

My contenders for now:

Evolution Acoustics MM Micro Ones
Dynaudio Excite x14's (thinking mostly of monitors, due to neighbor considerations)

Job 225 Amp OR maybe a used Ayre AX 7E

Benchmark HGC, OR used Auralic Vega, OR Mytek (would like to use my DAC as preamp)...

Mac mini with Pure Music fed from HD...

Thoughts? Suggestions? I value transparency, jump factor, decent bass... listen mostly to well recorded rock (Clash, Beatles, Who, Steely Dan) and lots of Jazz.

I have a somewhat smaller room in my NM summer home. It is 13 x 10 x 8'. I use the LSA Statement monitors on false emory stands. The electronics are an Exemplar eXception integrated amp and a music server that I take back and fourth as I do my High Fidelity cables and power cords. But the Zilplexes on the walls are the key to my satisfaction with the room.
You want cheap good sound? Okay, here goes:

Sherwood 7100 receiver. Available in thrift stores (I paid $20.00 for mine). You can pick these up on Ebay for 50 bucks or so. If you like tube sound get the 7100. If you prefer solid state get the 7100A.

Sharp CD player. Available in thrift stores or Ebay. Another sleeper. No remote. Just great sound ... for CD that is.

Speakers: A set of NON-POWERED Audio Engine speakers. Either the Two's or the Fives.
Response? Don't go with TT. Is too difficult. Snap, crackle,pop? adjusting pick-up, tracking force, fighting dust, cleaning vinyl? You don't want to go there.
I'd be very tempted to do something along the following lines:

Magnepan MMG at $600/pr
SVS Dual 12" sealed subwoofers at $1000/pr
Onkyo PRSC 5509 (recently discontinued, but still available new in box) pre-pro at +/- $2000

That's half your budget. Just add a reasonably powerful amp and source(s) of your choice with the other half.

IMO a pair of MMGs plus a pair of high quality subs integrated via Audyssey xt32 gets you a ridiculously high quality, full range speaker system for the $. If planars are an issue for you , you could also look at some other main speakers. I use Ohms (as well as MMGs) in a similar set-up to wonderful effect, but that's another $1k or so out of pocket. To date, I've not found anything nearly as impressive from the upper bass on up as the little Maggies at anything close to their price. Of course, everyone's MMV on that point.

BTW, the Onkyo is an excellent piece, too. The internal DACs are very good and it even includes a decent phono section. I replaced preamps from ARC and Joule with a 5509 several years ago and haven't looked back. There may be other xt32 empowered front-ends out there these days worth checking out in place of the Onkyo, but I haven't personally heard one so I won't comment.

Just one more way you might think about going.
