Studio monitors as Audiophile speakers ATC, PMC

ATC and PMC monitor speakers may also be used as living room Audiophile speakers. How will the Dynaudio Air 20 or 25 active professional monitors compare to these well regarded also as living room Audiophile speakers.

Any problem using studio monitors in a living room, if not why specifically designated as studio monitors? Are these voiced differently i.e differ the ATC domestic line compared to the Studio line, soundwise?

Any input appreciated on studio monitors as high fidelity speakers as I evalute going for any of these
active speakers and especially the Dynaudio Air at the moment.

Any problem using studio monitors in a living room, if not why specifically designated as studio monitors?

I don't know about other speakers but as Sashav has pointed out, the only difference between the professional(studio) and domestic speakers in the PMC line-up is in the finish. Hence, there is no issue on using PMC studio monitors in domestic applications.
How do you guys connect studio monitors.I have Dynaudio BM5a
active monitors, no idea how to connect.
Hey Unijabass,
Just plug them into your preamp where you would normally plug in your power amp.