The closest approach...really

I recently purchased a pair of Gradient SW-63 woofers for my Quad ESL 57, and I this is so far the closest approach to the real thing that I've ever experienced. The midrange is probably the best possible, with Quads' holographic properties most audiophiles are familiar with. The micro-detail is also superb. The Gradient woofers add a very competent, tight, and fast bass. I believe this combination is hard to beat at any price. Does anyone think this combination can be beat?
i have heard many combinations of dipoles and cones. in each case i have noticed the distinct sound of each driver. thus, for my ears there is a loss of coherence.

i would like to be put to the test, blindfolded, and listen to a pair of electrostatic speakers with a sub.
it would be interesting if i could identify that i was listening to a hynbrid.
Mrtennis, yes, that would be a nice test for everyone -- I think we're deeply biased in the way we listen to our equipment. In the end what matters is the survival test: how long has amplifier x or speaker y lasted in my system? If it's more than 1 year, then it means our ears really like it. If after a few months I begin to question it, then it means there is something wrong. In my case, so far the two things that lasted the most are my EAR 868 power amp and my ESL 57.
Hearing "many" combinations does in no way, shape, or form mean that proper integration of panels and subwoofers cannot be achieved.

There are many combinations that do perform wonderfully.

In this particular case maybe more listening experience is required.
Generally the saga goes, that if tubes are used with the Quads, the subs would perform best with SS. Actually blending solid state driven subs with tube driven stators is very difficult indeed. It is much easier to use tubes also for the Gradient subs to get an excellent coalesced rendering, using Gradients own active x-over but only for the bottom end and letting the Quad 63s go all the way down. After much fiddling, listening and moving the whole shebang around ( for this purpose the Quad-Gradient combo was put on wheels and the listening position bolstered with cushions to get the ears in the right height) a practically perfect blend was achieved.