The closest approach...really

I recently purchased a pair of Gradient SW-63 woofers for my Quad ESL 57, and I this is so far the closest approach to the real thing that I've ever experienced. The midrange is probably the best possible, with Quads' holographic properties most audiophiles are familiar with. The micro-detail is also superb. The Gradient woofers add a very competent, tight, and fast bass. I believe this combination is hard to beat at any price. Does anyone think this combination can be beat?
Ggavetti, this might interest you:
Trelja, Did you mean 'by your self'? Although I can't take issue with 'with yourself' which is such a prominent mental exercise in these forums. Or so it seems.

Just cause you never see a bear take a crap in the woods, doesn't mean that you can't step in it.

Good point Newbee, however mo matter if it is written in two or just in one word, I thought it would work nicely both ways when I read it. I only wished there would be a little less noise when in play. But then I must grudgingly admit, without it would get no satisfaction.
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Grant, I wouldn't say that I'm a bright guy. But, based on that Marilyn Lange exchange we had way back, I would say that you know me very well. And, you read me exactly right here today.

Newbee, this time, it was worded exactly as it was meant.