Gallos how good are they?

Just toying with the idea of getting these speakers.
I like the sound of the mbl's and the gallos speakers were mentioned as a more affordable option.
I am spoiled with the merlins I now own for 3 or 4 years, they do most everything right, I consider them as one of the best speakers out there.
But I just heard the 116's again and I like their sound, it's the imaging thing I like. I consider the merlins in the same league just different.
One other note: my merlins will sound even better when I get a bigger room, hence the mbls would need that too and so too would the gallos. My room is about 11'x 15'.
Thanks for any input, by the way the merlins are staying, the gallos would be a second system.
What's with the bungee chord jokes--- ouch.
Just kidding, but some day I'll show at the expo what they do then we'll see who's the one laughing ;~)
I got my pots and pans hanging from bungee chords, my engine block hanging from bungee chords, my laundry hanging from b. c., my light fixtures hanging from b. c., my paintings, venetian blinds, potted plants, shower curtains, my drying oregano, my girlfriend-- oops never mind.
What do you mean ? Oh yeh I thought the house would look funny with bungee chords all over the place!
When I figure out how to suspend the cartridge with bungee chords I think I'll pack it in and check into bellevue.