Best all around speakers

Just curious what people think around here for best all around speakers for wide variety of musical genres and amplifications needs (tubes and solid state). Not everybody listen exclusively to Diana Krall and Norah Jones and/or acoustical jazz or classical music. Some of us like to listen to a wide variety of music (from rock and roll to bluegrass to blues to you name it) and don't feel the need or want to have a differet speaker for each genre of music. Seems to me many speaker designers have a very narrow taste in music, which unfortunately doesn't reflect what most people listen to, which I think is one of the reasons why many speakers end up disappointing quite a number of listeners.
why is it necessary to expose one's ears to 100db in a room no larger than 12 feet by 20 feet ?

You hear more detail and it is realistic/exciting/fun/enveloping but you are right in that there is no reason why music cannot be enjoyed at more modest levels too. (better for your ears!)
No amp,preamp or speakers can replace the most important of all.......your hearing loss.

SPL of 110db is insane. More detail???? Wow.
If you listen at average levels of 85 to 87dB, which is what I do, you'll hit peaks over 100dB. They don't last long and will not hurt those with healty ears.

Dcstep - To your question about my digital sources: As I may have reported above, I used multiple digital players in order to deal with differently-engineered sources. My primary source now is an EMM CDSA. I use it for a lot of things, but particularly classical. My secondary source is a GNSC-modified Wadia 860x (a fair bit different sounding than the unmodified version), which I tend to use more for pop and jazz. I also have an EAR Acute with Pope 6dj8's that's fairly forgiving and "analog" sounding. In the past, I was using a Linn CD12, but I thought the EMM and Wadia both bettered it (for my ears). Finally, on the comparison (analog) side, I have a Linn LP12 w/ Koetsu Black through an EAR 834P w/ a Telefunken and 2 Mullards in it.

It's all designed to be relatively mellow--"relatively".

I don't think I have a huge problem with a front-end that can't handle (in one way or another) "difficult" CDs--at least not a problem that a different piece of gear can resolve...but maybe I'm wrong. You have any suggestions?