How would you run an audio salon?

Just wondering, as an audiophile how would you set up an audiophile shop?
I have got some ideas but will post them later except to say I would limit the number of brands and try my best to get it to sound its very best.
"Since we are all dreaming here"

If I wanted to set up a business with any chance of success, any at all, what I would do is specialize in the sale of stuff not only well supported by stable manufactureres who stand behind their product, but I'd also make sure they protected their dealers so that all of the internet audio specialists couldn't just walk in and waste their time with questions and demos and then depart to buy it over the internet at a discount with which no B&M dealer can compete. I wouldn't have to give discounts to get/keep my customers.

I would also make sure that my products had appeal to the 'carriage trade' who are more concerned with either bling or owning the stuff considered to be the 'best'. That makes your investment in conversations, demo's, and in home set-up assistance worthwile. I'd give that type of business about a 10% chance of returning a profit.

The last B&M dealer I personally knew, who sought to do what every one sez they want from a B&M dealer, was operating in city with a metro population in excess of 1 million people, offered a diverse selection of good inexpensive product as well as top quality - both tubes and SS, offered valuble advice in the most positive way, never criticized the products of others including the buyers, always made the customer feel 'special' and had several SOTA audition rooms as well as facilities for live performances of local musicians. Not only that he would give discounts to repeat customers. Needless to say he went bankrupt for lack of support from the audiophile community.

I'm sure this tale resonates with a lot of folks who have lost their local dealers.

Oh, BTW, this was even before the advent of the internet 'dealers' who now in the absence of B&M dealers to compete, expect full price for letting you order out of a catalog, provide minimal support, and change product/manufacturers like they change shirts. Profit margin mentality prevails, even on the internet.

I always enjoy reading responses from audiophiles in threads where someone has asked for advise. They say "Don't buy based on recommendations of others, use your own ears on stuff you have auditioned in your own home" without regard to how that audition might reasonably be expected to occur with most internet stuff, especially used stuff such as is sold in A-Gon.

Times have changed.

Rant over! :-)
Blindjim, well said my friend! You are a kindred spirit for sure. Sometimes I simply grow tired of the process we consumers must embark upon to obtain our audio dreams. Your point regarding the wealth of information available on the 'Gon is wise is dependant on how you take it and what you do with it. So when do we open up our new place? :)
"...everyone plays favorites and no one has it all figured out." (Dave b)

Er, Chadnliz and I have it all figured out- fer the record-lol

"i would have a problem selling a product i don't personally like. i think it's a matter of integrity not to misrepresent your principles." (Mr. Tennis)

Mr. Tennis, I see your NOT a salesman! And if you ever did decide to open a store, may I suggest hiring some good salesman to do the job for you - lol
First off, what you think is good, and what you may like, is NOT NECESSARILY WHAT OTHERS WILL LIKE AND WHAT'S RIGHT FOR THEM! (Chocolate vs. Vanilla). Yes, you may truly believe that Chocolate is indeed better than Vanilla. But you would be wrong! - and it goes the same with audio.
Yes, your enthusiasm may help you a little in selling some gear. But at the end of the day, you need to find out what's right for your customers, NOT YOU!!
Your goal as an accomplished audio/video salesman would be RELATIONSHIP, RELASHIONSHIP, RELASHIONSHIP!- and you helping the custom get WHAT THEY WANT!...not what you want, or think they should have, because you like it, and/or you think it's the best! NO NO NO NO NO!!! This is why audiophiles and engineers make lousy sales people - lol.
It's not about you! Don't take it personal. When it comes to sales, its about helping the customer get what they want. You do this by building trust, qualifying them (what they've heard and liked/used in the past, etc), offering an option or two, overcoming any objections, and then closing the sale! (and, of course, follow up - relationship).
There is nothing more to sales of audio/video! - and you can still like what you like, and keep it to yourself. Because that will never ever help you sell anything!!
Note to self: EVERYONE owns different audio/video gear, and for good reasons! - even the professional mag reviewers...
OMG-like lol fer the record naked are such the MOTO! You are the poster child for average salesman of the year. Er, Note to self-never playnaked ...unless your payed for it!
I think some have it all wrong, this is a hobby and a passion so a run of the mill salesman is going to drive many true and intelligent audiophiles away. From the car, furniture, and many other examples people dont want to establish a relationship with some fast talking dueshbag salesman Your job is to give them access to products and answers to concerns and questions while the product sells itself. Naked, you can lol all you want and make as many suggestions as you wish but if you ran a store I bet it would be very much like seeing you experience we all would prefer to avoid. Anyone claiming to have it all figured out is confirming they dont just by making that statement, as a friend once told me "Empty cans make the most noise". Note to self, if me saying note to self sounds as dumb as it looks then never do it again.