The best $1500-2500 amp to run with Aerial LR5's

Where to start, I am using a Proceed bpa3 with the LR5's and they sound good but its only 125 watts and Aerials need juice.
The amp is only average and I am hoping for some help in picking out a amp to really set of the Aerials.

My system:
Aerial LR5 main
Aerial CC3 Center
B&W's Surround
Proceed BPA 3 fronts and center
Rotel RB985 for surrounds ( 3 Unused channels)
Arcam 92T CD
B&K Ref 50 Processor
Pioneer Elite DVD
MIT shotgun s3 Speaker cables
Various MIT interconnects
63" Philips Plasma

Music: Dave Matthews, ColdPlay, U2, Bruce, Pat Methany, Etc.. Sports in HD,

Thanks all you fellow audiophiles, I appreciate the suggestions.
I used the Parasound Halo A21 with the Aerial model 9 and really liked the combo. The LR5s use the same drivers as the model 9s minus two woofers.
I could be wrong but I believe that the 9 and LR5 use different drivers - they are larger in the LR5.
I looked on the Aerial web site and your right Matti. The woofers are a little larger and the LR5 also has a lower sensitivity. JC1s would be better but for the price I don't know of anything better.