History on ohm A's and F's.

I panned through the threads and read how the old ohm a's were remarkable.
Would like to hear more about this and other ohm speakers.
I would say there is truth and still some beauty as long as you don't open up the "cage".

Indeed Mr. Spock displayed much more emotion in "The Cage" than in rest of the series.
>>Indeed Mr. Spock displayed much more emotion in "The Cage" than in rest of the series<<

Not true.

See "This Side of Paradise" and "All Our Yesterdays" for an emotion filled Vulcan.
I may have a bit of an interesting perspective on the Ohm's since I'm a new Ohm owner.

I had to sell my old Vandy 2C's due to space considerations and aesthetic considerations (low WAF) in our remodeled house. I had it narrowed down to either a pair of Totem Arro's or a pair of Ohm Micro Walsh Tall's, which Mapman got me interested in here on A'gon.

In the end, the Arro's had more online reviews and more raves on A'gon, and so I made a more "conventional" choice with the Arro's, instead of what seemed at the time like a "weird-ass" choice (the Ohm's). ;-)

I was disappointed with the Arro's, not because their tonality isn't fine (it is) but because I found the much-touted "holographic" presentation lacking. I mean, they image nicely enough, but the "magic" wasn't there in my listening room. Plus, I found the descriptions of the Ohm's so seductive that I couldn't shake the thought that I'd like them better.

I took the plunge and ordered a pair of Micro Walsh Tall's.

They're nearly identical in exterior dimensions to the Totem Arro (an inch wider and an inch shallower, but the same height).

To my ears, the Ohm MWT's smoke the Arro's on a number of fronts:

1) Bass is far fuller and more authoritative.
2) The Ohm's really move some air when they need to, as opposed to the Arro's.
3) I'm sure there are people who find the Ohm's spatial presentation gimmicky or weird, but I love it. Instruments reach out into the room. Voices have space and air around them. On the right material, the rear wall behind the speakers vanishes into a deep soundstage. And orchestral music is convincing to the point of being truly moving or thrilling.

Disclaimer: the Arro's aren't fully broken in, as I was reminded/chided in another thread here. So be it. But I don't see the Arro's, even after their recommended 100-140 hours of break-in time, replicating what I find most impressive about the Ohm's.
See "This Side of Paradise" and "All Our Yesterdays" for an emotion filled Vulcan.

Ah yes you are right. I kind of meant in general though. The T'pau episode (Amok Time) also seemed quite emotional for our logical hero too - he sure seemed happy to see Kirk was not dead!
Kirk's not dead?Have you seen those commercials?Same voice,definately not the same body.They must of not shown that episode where you live where he...........can't remember now.....new chipset isn't working properly.To be continued......