High efficiency speakers

I am getting into low wattage SET amps (specifically the 18w Lamm ML2.1). I am told that to realize the full benefits of such low powered SETs, you need high efficiency (>95db) speakers with benign impedance curve. But when I look around, these speakers are often horn based, huge and unattractive (to my eyes), and have problems with low bass (either no low bass or needs powered woofers whose integration is a problem).
My question to the experts out there. Have you come across well designed high efficiency speakers that are full range, don't take space like Avantgarde Trios, and look as nice as a Kharma?
Thanks for your suggestions.
Specs don't always tell the whole story.

My ProAc Response 2.5s are rated at 8 ohms and 86 dB. When John Atkinson measured them back in the day, he calculated 83 dB!

Yet they work wonderfully well with my Cary 300B-based SET, rated at a whopping 14 watts!

Part of it is the real-world (not claimed!) 8 ohm load--Atkinson's graph shows them barely dipping below 8 over the whole 20-20k range.

BTW, I was turned on to this synergistic combination years ago by Arnie (founder of A'gon) in his previous incarnation as owner of Accutronics of Ann Arbor, MI. According to Arnie, Dennis Had used (at least back then) ProAcs to voice his Cary amps.
>>ZU Druids. 103 DB and a wonderful speaker. Bass galore<<

Zu Druid is rated at 101dB but might even be lower.

"Bass galore" is overstated. The bass is adequate but not great.

Dealer disclaimer.

No offense intended, but how did you come to owning a Lamm ML 2.1 without much experience with Hi-eff speakers?
I am using Reimer Tetons with my ML2's to great effect. They are full range and have a nice tight bottom end with the ML2's.
Hi Jax2, your advice noted. I listened mostly to light classics and folks, and occasionally big scale music. My current room is only 10' x 14'. I have an opportunity to build a bigger one (perhaps 18' x 20'). The hi efficiency speakers are meant for that room for which I would like full-range and life-sized reproduction of the music I love. For many years till recently, I have always used SS amps...Classe, Pass labs, Goldmund. Just my experience, they had been good in many ways. But at the end of the days, i feel them collectively to be a little cold and sterile.

Hi Darkmoebius, I have a pair of Kharma 3.2.2 (borderline efficient at 90dB) driven by Goldmund Telos amps. I wasn't touched by the combination. Since the matching of kharma and Lamm has been well chronicled, I ordered the Lamm ML2.1s at risk without hearing. But I did phone up the Kharma factory and was told the ML2.1s are "perfect match" for my speakers. The amps haven't arrived, so I shall see.