Wilson Audio MAXX series III

Hi there,

anybody has more info about as on the Wilson side?
price? heard it? maybe against a Maxx series II!


Can anyone describe what the specific differences are? I understand there is a new head unit. Did they upgrade the tweeter?

This might be best...
My friend's Maxx 3 has been delivered this Monday and he was using the Maxx2 before it. I have helped setting it up and listened to the Maxx3 for four consecutive days.
I have listened to all wilson speakers except the Whamm and all I can say is this is truely a great speaker, full stop! It wins the Maxx2 hands down and in many ways I consider this a breakthrough design among wilson's speaker range, including the almighty Alexandria.

Pls feel free to look at the photos taken at:

Hi my maxx 3's arrived yesterday, set em up last night and dialed them in today. My dealer just left a hour or so ago. WOW, WOW and WOWSA compared to my Maxx 2's

Stop it!!! You are making me jelous. But I am truly happy for you.

Enjoy them. I assume you need some time. But detailed descriptions are wanted. Photos etc.