Single driver speakers - opinions

1.Design - what is IYO the best design and why?
2.Sound - How would you describe the sound in comparison to other speaker designs?
3.Amplification - what works and what doesn't?
4.Is the WAF stopping your from moving in that direction?
What do you like or dislike about SD spks?
DIY v.s Commercial designs - Pros and Cons.

Feel free to express yourself and your thoughts about the Single Driver design speakers in this thread.

Ideas, your projects, pics, experiances are all fun and welcome.

From my experiance with at least two SD commercial design that actually worked like a charm, I have to say that I am seriously concidering it as my next DIY project.

Awesome speakers when done right.

Pauly, I am intrigued so am thinking of how to make some myself. I expect I could get some relief from the LHS of the graph through room/floor/ceiling reinforcement (and if one could spiral the top horn so it went out the side, I would could improve the bass even more.

With your comparison to the Meadowlarks, are you suggesting that the Madison bass compares favorably? or that you can tell the difference...

My original question was actually referring to the dips from 200Hz up to 1000Hz, where immediate-space room reinforcement probably plays less of a role (but reflections play more of a role).
T_Bone, the bass compares favorably with that of my Meadowlarks. The Madisons need no bass reinforcement as mine are 6’-7’ from the walls.

Soundwise, the Meadowlarks now put me to sleep. They sound so terribly slow compared to the Madisons that I had to relegate them to HT duty. (And I really did like them a whole lot before)

As I mention, I cannot hear any dips, but I suspect we are not sensitive to dips in sounds as we are to peaks. My room is heavily treated so this could possibly give me a flatter curve than the one posted. It’s difficult to say - I go by ear alone and don’t let measurements drive what I like or not.


Tybones have great image, speed and question about it.

Bass is dynamic and tunefull but if the last two octaves are important to you, I would consider the Sachiko double horn design and 8" Fostex instead.

Your spiral idea is quite difficult to execute.
I am working on the similar design as we speak and I can tell you that it is far from easy. In fact, my design includes
double spiral horn with omnidirectional qualities.

It should be fun playing around with those.


Thanks Gents (Mariusz & Pauly),
The last two octaves are important to me because I think they're important to the music.

Mariusz, couldn't the spiral simply be a matter of switching the "hole" to the side (covering the front), and switching the stacked ladder (which is seen in the back corners of the top and the bottom) so that it guided the wave out that side rather than the front?
That is not what I had in mind.

Your above proposal is not so simple , necessary or present any benefit over the original design.

One of Sachiko's design benefits is that the speakers can be placed relatively close to the front wall.

You can always try to improve the build quality, tweak the box and the driver.

I will include the link tomorrow what I had in mind by double horn spiral design and omnidirectional wave guide by the use of cones at the top and bottom mouth exits.

Another interesting design would be a single spiral horn with driver firing upwards towards cone-dispersion piece for omnidirectional qualities. A use of the super-tweeter might be necessary or helpful in getting the right amount of resolution and air.

It is going to be a bussy winter. :)