Getting the Upgrade Bug Again

I just listened to some CJ gear this weekend. It was the ET3 SE pre-amp coupled with the Classic 60 SE amp. Not that I am unhappy with my current integrated amp, but clearly this is a step upwards.

I want to stay with tubes and would prefer to purchase new gear. So is there anything else I should listen to that is in the same price range of the CJ gear, which is $9,500.
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Xti16 - still running stock EL 34's. Not sure who PrimaLuna sources them from but probably Chinese.
The problem I'm having trying to come up with a recommendation in you price range, it that there are so many choices. The only thing I can tell you for sure, is don't skimp on the preamp. Also, don't under power the speakers, even if it means you have to go with a SS amp. I'm not saying that is now an absolute, direct replacement for a tube amp, but current models are good enough where they just shouldn't be dismissed just because they're SS.

The Classic 60 is an excellent piece, but I do hesitate when you say you will be using them with a pair of 803's. I had one, and its a great sounding amp, but I would say that its a must audition in your system first. (You don't say whether you tried the CJ gear in your system, or not.) A few combinations do come to mind that may go well with your speakers. I'll list them for you. You may have to go used for some of these.

Aesthetix Calypso preamp with an Ayre V5 amp.

BAT 300x Integrated

ARC tube amp (something like a VT100 or equivalent and a matching ARC preamp.

BAT separates, tube or SS

Pass amp with a balanced tube preamp like an Aesthetix, BAT or ARC

Quicksilver V4 mono's with a VTL 2.5 preamp or the CJ preamp you just listened to. The V-4's would definately be a better match for your speakers than the CJ 60.
The PrimaLuna has plenty of power for my speakers. I don't think I would need more power.
IMHO, you do need more power. With EL34's, that's 32w/ch. B&W recommends a minimum of 50w/ch. Also, the 8 ohm impedance drops to 3 ohms. 800 series B&W are usually not tube friendly, however some may work, but will probably take more power. Have you tried the 4 ohm tap on the amp? I believe this should be better than using the 8 ohm tap. And if you try different tubes, then KT120's for the additional power.
Zd542 -Thanks so much for all the great info. There is plenty to ponder for sure! I can audition the CJ gear at home with my speakers. I will also do some investigation on the recommended components.
Tls49 Thanks for the input. Yes - I am currently running the B&W 803 Diamonds on the 4 ohm tap. I'm going to try some KT 120's in the interim.