Getting the Upgrade Bug Again

I just listened to some CJ gear this weekend. It was the ET3 SE pre-amp coupled with the Classic 60 SE amp. Not that I am unhappy with my current integrated amp, but clearly this is a step upwards.

I want to stay with tubes and would prefer to purchase new gear. So is there anything else I should listen to that is in the same price range of the CJ gear, which is $9,500.
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I just ordered a Luxman 505ux. We shall see how it performs. With a 60 day return policy from Music Direct,I have nothing to lose.
I have been running the Luxman for a few hours now. It is showing some promise. I now understand what you guys were saying about the B&Ws needing more power. They sound very different.

I can't wait to hear what these speakers will sound like when the amp is broken in.

Thanks for all the suggestions!
Greginnh, yes a lot of people don't understand that about the 800 series B&Ws until they listen to them with amps that can really supply the grunt. They look at the 8 ohm impedance and the normal sensitivity ratings and just assume things. It's more complex than that. I once has a technical guy at a well respected amplifier company tell me the amp-speaker interaction is a combination of Qts, complex impedance, and sensitivity. Some speakers just need more current to really come alive and it's not always apparent by reading the specs of the loudspeakers. And you don't always know what you're missing until you try various amplifiers.
Abrew19 - to coin a phrase "you don't know, what you don't know", that would describe my experience with the B&W's. The Luxman has made a huge difference. I will be keeping my PrimaLuna integrated and will be on the lookout for a pair of speakers that will be compatible with that amp.