Getting the Upgrade Bug Again

I just listened to some CJ gear this weekend. It was the ET3 SE pre-amp coupled with the Classic 60 SE amp. Not that I am unhappy with my current integrated amp, but clearly this is a step upwards.

I want to stay with tubes and would prefer to purchase new gear. So is there anything else I should listen to that is in the same price range of the CJ gear, which is $9,500.
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Hi Abrew19 - I did (foolishly) sell them. I auditioned over a dozen speakers last week and for some reason, I am hooked on the B&W sound. I just ordered a some 804 Diamonds. They will work better for me in my smaller room plus a bit easier to move around!
Ahh I see. The 804 Diamonds are fine speakers. I've never heard the Plinius amplifiers but have read the rave reviews. I hope you keep us posted on your results. Thanks.
B&W's arrived last week and I have been breaking them in with the PrimaLuna. The Plinius Hautonga amp came in yesterday and it pairs perfectly with the 804 Diamonds! I got in about 6 hours of listening last night as was very impressed with it.

Thanks for all your advice and suggestions. I have placed the PL up for sale on Audiogon. If I can't get my price, I will use it for a second system as the bug is likely to "bite" again soon!
Yes, quite often B&Ws are not a good match with tubes, in particular the models with dual woofer arrays.

But if you still have a hankering to show off the capabilities of a tube amplifier, try a set of Audiokinesis loudspeakers. They are reasonably priced, wide bandwidth and very revealing, as well as easy to drive.