Heard them in Munich. Not as impressed as the smaller ones. I think having the double stack tower limits the propogation of sound of the tweeter in some ways but not sure.
Anyone wanting to read more about these speakers look here: http://forums.avguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=4087&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0&sid=c2281236c0a0a604830aeb89d3aad712
Everytime I go to hear their speakers at CES, the Germans are blasting Slayer at 200 DB's. They just play their music sooooo loud you really can't go into the room or you will ruin the rest of your day. Its really too bad....
2007 CES- very impressive looking... and then they started playing music. Pink Floyd- Money at ear splitting volume. You had to leave the room. They must use a nuclear reactor to power those things. It was so bad/loud that at no point could you actually tell if they might be good sounding speakers. They drew a crowd though.
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