Apogee slant 8s compared to larger apogee models?


I am looking for comments. I have a pair of pristine
Slant 8s (I am the 2nd owner) and am considering upgrading.
Any/all comments are appreciated.
I have 2 pairs of slant 8s, a pair of Calipers, a pair of Divas. I have listened to the Duetta Sigs and the Mini grands. The slants hold their own against my Divas and are used as my back channels. If you make a jump, I would not recommend either the calipers or the mini grands (woofers are weak IMO). Pay the bucks and go for the True sounds Divas, Scinnies, possibly the Duettas and/ or the studio grands. All except the Scinnies sound fine with good SS or tube amps. I think the slants were the best of the hybrids. IMO If you get a chance, you should audition the varios models at Truesounds and determine first hand,if you want to make the jump and what speaker suits your fancy. Until then, sit back and enjoy the slants. They're darn good speakers!!

I heard all the models at True Sound Works too. Like you, my least favorite was the Scintilla. The Perreaux amps he was using sounded atrocious. Crap in crap out. Needless to say, that Scintilla doesn't sound anything like mine. I look forward to getting my gear over to Nevada so I can wake up a Scintilla there.
We knew that already Vince ^^

I had/have Centaur Minors, Calipers, Scinitllas, DIVAS and Grand's and heard very extensively Duettas.

My fav. from the list of "buyable" speakers is the DIVA, then the Scintilla, Duettas and Calipers. The C-Minor is OK but not really ALL that. The C-Major has apart from the Grand the best midrange Apogee made, its also what Ish uses instead of the Fullrange drivers.

Enjoy what you got! Try some tubes on them, cant do that on all models ;-)