Speakers that disappear

Here is a description of a speaker found in TAS, the recommended components issue:
"... simply don't sound like other speakers. The Xes are tonally neutral and nearly sonically invisible; voices and instruments don't seem to be coming from drivers in frames or boxes. Instead they hang in space, free-standing objects that are so three-dimensionally "there" that listening to *them* is like going to a play, where listening to other speakers is like going to the movies."
What affordable(under $15k) speakers fit this description?
Gallo Reference 3s - without a doubt. Their unique, and revolutionary, design eliminates all the normal edge diffraction issues that plague most speakers. Couple this with the 330 deg. dispersion pattern of the CDT II tweeter, AND the crossover-less, time and phase-aligned design, and you have the makings of a speaker that really does disappear. And all of this for only $3K, astonishing!

The best part? The "sweet-spot" is enormous. I have the speakers separated about 8 feet apart. I sit about 10 feet away, and about 3 feet in front of my back wall. I can sit to the left of the left speaker and still get a very solid and convincing sound stage. The instruments do not shift positions as you move about, they remain situated on the "stage" just as they were before you moved. Gee, just like real instruments...

I find it most enjoyable to sit back late at night with all the lights out and a favorite adult beverage accompanying my "serious" listening sessions. In fact, last night Carlos Santana and the boys stopped by to play the Lotus album in its entirety - in Quad, no less, RIGHT HERE IN MY HOUSE!!

I have to admit, they *were* a bit loud. But hey, they didn't trash the place before they left - cool band!

You have started a popularity contest for sure but the truth is my Tyler Linbrook Signature System which are large floor standers and invisible with sound. The only thing you see hear are musical notes in suspended air all across my room. Super 3d imaging, wide deep stage, and dynamics that you feel when cranked up. Real satisfying musical listening time.

To achieve this kind of sound you need to put in the time for proper placement. The iron chef method is what i use and hands down it works.
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You might want to check out this thread that Tvad started awhile back, as it is similar to your own question:

Speakers with imaging "Free of the box" Thread

As far as the best dynamic speakers I know of that disappear, first would be the Rockport Antares (one of the very best speakers ever made, IMHO - A friend owns these). The Eggleston Works Andra II also does a pretty good job of disappearing themselves, (and I own these).

I will also opine that planer type speakers, such as Quads, Apogees, etc., "generally" disappear slightly better than dynamic speakers, but only if you're in the sweet spot, which said sweet spot "generally" tends to be much smaller than dynamic speakers, IMHO. (This is one reason why I prefer dynamic speakers over planer speakers - I like to be social and listen with friends!).

My two cents worth.